
languages & power in R.South Africa


...Although South Africa's Constitution recognises eleven national languages, English – spoken as a home language by only 9.6% of South Africans – has become the language of power; it is the language of government, business, the media, and academia. African languages do not share the same status as English and, to a lesser extent, Afrikaans, which still retains some prominence partly because of its privileged status under apartheid. A degree or course in English at university will help a graduate in accountancy to find a job. Proficiency in isiXhosa (spoken by 16% of South Africans) or Sepedi (9.1%) probably will not.


regional USA - Michigan language & map sense

http://melbel.hubpages.com/hub/Michigan-Accent [local accents around the state of Michigan]

http://melbel.hubpages.com/_mas/hub/You-Know-Youre-From-Michigan-When [USA areas seen from Michigan-centric viewpoint]

see the included illustration,


scenes from London Anthropology Day 2013

photos online at flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/raieducation/with/9308899412/
Since 2005 this national event has welcomed recent college students, those about to enter college and those recently graduated to discover some of the fields and tasks of anthropology as it is offered at the departments around the U.K.

 See Also, L.A.D. on Facebook; as well as the Youtube channel for RAI, including the 5 minute overview of the recent A-Level exam for precollege courses in anthropology offered in the U.K., http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR6kJk8n1DA

Here the pages from the new brochure about the A-Level programme.

Write the education officer for further details, education [at]therai.org.uk