humor culture; medicine culture
...the Southbank Centre for a new exhibition called 'The Culture of Laughing' that opens today and runs until mid-April [2008]. Using a hilarious combination of video, photography and interactive exhibitions, the collection investigates whether humour is transferable across cultures. With 30 artists from all over the world contributing, the curator argues that whilst laughter is universal, humour is socially specific -and wants visitors to see if they can find amusement on foreign jokes without specific social knowledge.
...new series on Channel 4 called Medicine Men Go Wild. It follows two identical twin British doctors in their investigations of indigenous medicine in various different communities around the world. Despite the slightly silly title, the programme retains a good balance between respect for other cultural forms of medicine, and what they can contribute to western understanding... you should be able to download it soon on 4 on Demand.
Underwater Archaeology Museum - Online Teaching Resources
...As we can not travel to every school we recently created a kit that we are now making available to educators from around the world that allows teachers to conduct a hands on training session on underwater archaeology. It includes a CD with ten documents including a lesson plan that guides the teacher through the exercise.
...Our first two paths, for ages 10-12 and 16-17, are now online.
...the entire site which contains exhibits and posts on projects in the United States, Japan, the UK, Australia, and France.
T Kurt Knoerl, Director, The Museum of Underwater Archaeology, http://www.uri.edu/mua
UK ethnobotany; Fashion from anthro lens
19TH JANUARY - Green fingers on the radio
Today I'll be listening again to an episode of anthropologists' favourite 'Thinking Allowed' [ http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/thinkingallowed/thinkingallowed_20071219.shtml] that was broadcast on Channel 4 before Christmas. It featured two anthropologists, Roy Ellen [ http://www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology/department/staff/ellen.html] and Simon Platten [ http://www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology/department/staff/platten.html], who are about to embark on a three year study on the 'ethnobotany of the British garden'. The importance of a finely pruned hedge to the inner workings of British society has, according to them, been long overlooked. It has even been argued, apparently, that the national obsession with gardening is a reason for the calmness of the British temperament! Like all good 'reflexive' anthropology, this programme should begin to make us question an area of our lives that is usually ignored as simply 'normal'...
21ST JANUARY - The catwalk of anthropology
Come Monday I will be looking for new ways to strut my anthropological stuff in the new collection from fashion designer Chayalan. A little random, but the Cypriot fashionista claims inspiration from 'current anthropology', as well as a host of other disciplines including migration and the philosophy of science. He wants his clothes to be seen as a part of culture, and not just an elite artistic world. Which is presumably why he has added signature drop pockets to his jeans... To read more about anthropology and fashion [ http://www.amazon.co.uk/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=Anthropology&rh=n%3A267854%2Ck%3AAnthropology&page=1 ], why not check out this article [http://www.amazon.co.uk/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=Anthropology&rh=n%3A267854%2Ck%3AAnthropology&page=1 ].
"the linguists" trailer for 2008 Sundance Film Fest
ironbound films
cf. linguistically flavored work from www.cnam.com, The Center for New American Media
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bbc2 "Tribe" series 1-2-3
"Tribe has been my whole world for the last four years and is the most important thing in my life right now. It's a series about people and culture, our culture as well as others. We hope it's entertaining, because we want people to watch and enjoy, especially people who wouldn't normally tune into this type of programme, but we also hope we can communicate something important about the world." [continues, http://www.bbc.co.uk/tribe/bruce/index.shtml]
outside the UK the video stream will be blocked, but clips may be viewable via Discovery Channel website