
since 2012, the "Great Pompeii Project"

The website gives a glimpse of the locations and views open to the public. These days 30 buildings may be seen up close, compared to the 60 back in 1956 and compared to 10 in 2010. The Great Pompeii Project has succeeded in stabilizing the excavated spaces so that visitors may see some of the city buried by volcanic eruption almost 2000 years previously. Perhaps a drone recording will be added to the website to give a virtual visit to distant and nearby people who are curious about the society long ago.


Nitty-gritty, archaeology methods *after* the excavating is done

The ongoing coverage of the UK's "Pompeii" site at Must Farm bronze age (wetland) site is being reported on their Facebook webpage brief and on their website in detail.
This three-part series covers the specialist scrutiny of samples and artifacts to shed new light on the people and events surrounding the fire and escape from this habitation long years ago.

Part 1, Post-Ex Diary 8: Specialist Analyses Part One

Part 2, Post-Ex Diary 9: Specialist Analyses Part Two

Part 3, Waterlogged and Charred Wood; Ceramic; Bone; Fabrics