
films in Native Languages - LOTE (Languages Other Than English)

This is an engaging article and overview to the subject.

... .Another notable choice was for the 2021 opening night film, Waikiki (2020), directed by Christopher Kahunahana. This film took us all on an emotional and harrowing journey that guided us to introspection. Correa, who was born and raised in Hawaiʻi, described his experience watching Waikiki: "I watched it and I cried. It spoke to the experience that happens to a lot of us in Hawai'i. The film itself is centered around this idea of mental illness in society and disconnection from the land. I think that is something that affects all Native Hawaiians. We're always trying to get back to the land. We are always trying to find that connection."

These films made a lasting impression because language is a grounds for and a form of intimacy. For those of us who live away from our motherland, it is a way to reconnect with our family and culture. For those of us whose motherland has been taken away, it roots us to our land.

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